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Tips to Consider When Purchasing Pecans

Do you know that pecans are a nutritious addition to desserts, but can be costly? So, you need to make sure that you are looking for quality pecans before purchasing. You can decide to purchase various nuts such as shelled pecans and pecan halves. You need to know that pecans can be stored in containers that are airtight and can be stored unrefrigerated for up to 90 days. But, pecans can also be frozen for up to 12 months or refrigerated for six months. When choosing quality pecans, you need to make sure that you have considered a few things. Continue reading to have a better understanding of the things that you should consider when purchasing pecans.

To start with, it is prudent to make sure that you have considered the color of the pecans. Here, you need to make sure that you are choosing darker pecans. This is so because they are of high quality. But, you need to make sure that you are vigilant when it comes to purchasing packaged shelled pecans in retail shops. This is so because their color tends to become dull during storage.

You also need to make sure that you have looked for blemishes on pecans. You need to know that pecans with blemishes have poor quality, but the good thing is that they can be eaten. It is important to make sure that you have considered purchasing pecans with no marks or those that are visible. One thing about blemished pecans is that they look discolored and sometimes have mold spots. As such, it will be easier for you to identify such pecans.

If you want to purchase shelled pecans, make sure that you have purchased those that have high moisture content. This is the other key thing that you should keep in mind. You need to know that fresh pecans should have higher moisture content. When purchasing shelled pecans, make sure that you have examined whether the pecan halves have a shiny appearance and should have a waxy coating to keep them safe from loss of moisture. Such pecans mean that they are fresh and are of top quality than dull pecans.

If possible, you need to make sure that you have avoided shriveled pecans. This is the other key thing that you should keep in mind before purchasing quality pecans. Those pecans with faded and wrinkled appearance mean that they have been sitting on the shelves for long. As such, it means that such pecans aren’t fresh and are of poor quality. In addition, such pecans don’t have a good taste either.

When purchasing shelled pecans, you need to make sure that you have picked those in bags/sealed containers. When it comes to purchasing shelled pecans, you need to make sure that they have a protective coating to keep them safe from moisture loss. Ensure that there are no holes or gaps in the container since pecans tend to dry fast and become spoiled when exposed to light/heat. You also need to know that pecans should be stored away from other foods with strong smelling, as they quickly absorb odors.

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